According to Tim

Monday, November 15, 2004

I need a vacation!!

With the semester winding down, everything is due very soon. Things that I have left to accomplish are a presentation, a paper, homework and exams. On top of all that, there is work. Tomorrow I need to do three days worth of stuff in 5 hours, just because my boss is a jerk and thinks that everything can be done in 2 minutes. I hate my job! Now, I'm waiting to hear from all those medical schools. Two have rejected me. I wonder how much money I'm wasting just to hear them say, "Sorry, we don't want you here because you don't meet the non-academic criteria." But what can you do?

On another note, I'm glad to know that in Andy's entourage, I am a steward and in charge of protocol. That means I am nothing more than C3PO. At least I'm being charged with any illegal activity.


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