According to Tim

Thursday, February 05, 2004

Can't we just get rid of the stupid people?
I'm always amazed about how much of an idiot my brother is. For instance, I've been taking care of our neighbor's pets for the week. Today, I had class until 9:00pm and didn't get home until after 10. He was asked to take care of the animals for me tonight. The only thing he did was to bring the dog over here. He didn't even feed her or the cat. So when I got home, I sat down to eat dinner and I find out no one has fed the animals. The dog begins to prance because she has to go out. So he took the dog out but refused to feed her. So I had hurry up and eat, brave the bad weather and take the dog home and feed her. All because my brother is a moron. There should be laws against people like him.


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